How to change Dialog 4G router login password

Everyone knows that most of the router comes with all the default details, such as default IP address, default WiFi key and default login details. You can find these details under your router or behind it.Anyone can easily login to your router and take your WiFi password and use it secretly. Someone can access your router and change your login password and change your WiFi password, mess up everything?So it's better to change your default login details before someone mess up with it. Don't worry. Just reset your router and change your default login password and WiFi key. If you want to know how to change WiFi password then Click hear.

If someone already change your login password you can reset your router by pressing Reset button.
  • You can find your reset button next to your power cable. Use a paper click to press it. 
  • Now you can login to your router by giving default user name and password.

Follow these steps to change your router login password,
  • Go to settings.
  • Select System on the left side bar.
  • Under System, you can find Modify Password.

  • In hear Current password is the password that you use to login.If you reset your router, it is your default login password.
  • After that you can enter your new password and enter the same password to conform password field. Make sure to use a strong password.
  • Finally click Apply button.
That's it.You have successfully change your router login password. After you done with that make sure to change your WiFi password too.
If you have any questions fell free to comments and ask me.


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